Monday, August 3, 2009

Iowa's Children's Museum & National Tooth Fairy Day

Yes, In case you did not know it was National Tooth Fairy Day in Iowa. The kids went to the Museum and got free tooth brushes, sand timers, tooth paste and dental floss....they also had fun playing in all the different was very similar to The Old Charlotte at Play but larger. Carissa loved pushing the little grocery cart and playing in the ball room and Mason enjoyed driving the ambulance and the construction room. This place could definately keep them busy for awhile.....we like that!!!! Mommy gets tired entertaining these guys!!!!


  1. Great pics. Looks like you have been having very full, fun-filled days! I love how your kiddos play together so much. Can't wait for Izzy to have a sibling old enough to play with!!!

  2. I wish we had something like that here. I really miss Charlotte at Play.
