Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Two Best Friends: Chef Boy R.D. & Mr. Mac E. Cheese

So while on vacation Mason took a face plant into a Chair at Auntie Anne's house and knocked his 2 front teeth loose....we saw an emergency dentist there the first night and the diagnosis (although traumatic for mommy) seemed promising as it looked like he could keep his teeth and they may discolor...only thing was, he needed to be on a soft, liquid like diet for 2 weeks....ok, so this is a little tough while vacationing at DisneyWorld to accomadate but we made due.
Upon returning to Charlotte 5 days later we saw a pediatric dentist who gave us a not so promising diagnosis....He said the roots were really damaged from trauma and that may prevent them from healing at all....They went ahead and splinted teeth into place with metal wires and a whole lotta glue. They said from here we would just have to see what happens....they either will firm up and discolor or become infected and have to remove splint and teeth all together....ugh...the stress of not least they are baby teeth and in 2 years we will hopefully see teeth there again!!!
For Now we have become best friend s with Mr. Chef Boy R.D. and Mac-E. Cheese...hopefully Mason will remain friends with these fine guys a few more weeks until he can start to eat something else. Sad news is the dental insurance will not cover any of the emergency or reconstructive procedures he had because they only cover damage to permanent if I could just get them to xray his tummy when the xray his teeth, maybe they can tell me if they see that PENNY he SWALLOWED last week and save me a trip to the doctor!!!!

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